The procedure for recording the contract on the transfer of the use of a hunting ground (in the context of the application of the administrative code rules)


  • Mária Srebalová Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, Department of Administrative Law and Environmental Law


records of public administration authorities, measures, use of hunting grounds, procedure for recording contracts


The registration procedure is an important type of processes within the framework of public administration activities. The paper focuses on the analysis of the possiblitily and scope of application of the general reuglation on administrative procedure to this procedure and on terminological issues. The analysis builds on the current problems of public administration authorities in practice, especially in relation to the registration of contracts on the transfer of the use of huntint grounds. The paper offers an insight into the possibilities of solving the conflictsituations when carrying out the registration procedures according to the court decisions, the opinion of the prosecution and the theory of administrative law.




