Competition in Procurement Markets


  • Katarína Kalesná Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law, Institute of European Law


public procurement, public buyer power, relevant market, monopsony, centralised procurement


The article is focused on competition in procurement markets representing an important part of the EU internal market. Following the general characteristics of the relevant market the attention is drawn on procurement market specific features shaping conditions for competitive process. Accent is given on the demand side of the market due to the risks derived from the possible abuse of the market buyer power of the contracting parties. In this regard it analyses centralised public procurement bringing manifold economic and administrative benefits on one hand but also creating on the other hand possibilities for possible anticompetitive behaviour. Being aware of these connection lays increased liability on contracting parties to design procurement
process in harmony with competition rules. The aim of the article is analysis of competition conditions on procurement markets, identification of potencial competition problems and possible ways of their elimination.




